How to delete old and inactive customers or suppliers
Guidance on how to delete old customers and suppliers accounts.
(Guide for Pastel Partner 14, but older versions will loosely follow the same method).
If you have many old customers or suppliers you don't use any more and want to get rid of them, this is how you can do so.
Before you begin, you need to note that this will delete the accounts, but all the history from the accounts will be moved to a holdings account.
Also, if the account still has a balance, it cannot be deleted until the balances is cleared.
- Go to 'Change > Delete Inactive Customers / Suppliers'.
- Now select if you are deleting customers or suppliers and click 'Next'.
- Now select the holdings account. (If you have made one already, just select it, if you have not made one, you can make it at this stage by entering a code for the account here or leaving it as the default). Click 'Next' when you are ready to proceed.
- You can select the range of accounts now, fill in 'From' and 'To' and then click 'Next' to proceed.
- You can now select if you want to delete accounts without checking activity, or to only delete accounts if there is no activity after a set date in pastel. After making this choice, click 'Next' to proceed.
- Choose whether Notes are to be deleted or reclassified, then click 'Next' to proceed.
- The next screen will confirm the process, click 'Next' to proceed.
- Once the process is complete, you will get the following message, you can click on 'Finish' to end the task or 'Start' to start the process again and select different accounts if needed.
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