Making a backup of your company data and restoring
Backing up your data and restoring from a previous backup.
(Guide for Sage50c Pastel Partner 19, but older versions will loosely follow the same method).
Backing up your data should be done on a regular basis as it is critical to ensure you have data to fall back on, in the event of any serious problems.
If your data should become corrupt or unusable, having a backup will ensure you can continue working.
Or if you ever want to test some transactions or settings, you can always make a backup first to try out anything within the software and restore the data back to it's original form later on.
To create a backup, follow these simple steps:

- Here you need to select the drive on your computer you wish to save the backup to as well as the folder.

- When you are happy with the location the backup will be saved to, just click 'Process' to start the backup.
- The backup process can be relatively quick, or may take a few minutes depending on the size of your data.

- Half way through the backup, it will inform you that it will test the backup to ensure it is usable, just click 'OK' to this message.
- Once the backup is complete you can use it to restore your company at any time.
Restoring your data to an earlier point.
If you ever need to restore your date to an earlier point in which you have made a backup, you just need to follow these simple steps:

- Now select the relevant drive on your computer and folder for where the backup is saved.
- (Version 14 and above - you can select the individual backup files in the list, they are timestamped so you can see the date and time the backup was taken)
- Allow the process to complete, the time it takes to restore varies depending on how big the data is.

When the process is complete, your data will have reverted back to the point when the backup was made and anything done after that time will no longer be in the data.

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